Soar through the air with the greatest of ease on our Sky Flyer Zipline! Experience the flight path of our Nordic Ski jumpers as you glide down the path of our landing hill for this one-of-a-kind zipline experience. You’ll feel the exhilaration of an Olympian as you take flight! Immerse yourself in the moment taking in the unparalleled views that only Lake Placid can afford on your way down.


This ride is a thrill for visitors of all ages, assuming you meet our ride requirements. Guests experience the ride from a seated position, as they fly approximately 30 miles per hour from the top of our 70-foot tower, down 700 feet to a landing deck at the base of the complex.

Sky Flyer Zipline Tickets include the Skyride Gondola & Elevator to the top of the HS 120 meter ski jump.

Online reservations are highly recommended, as this activity does sell out. Before purchasing tickets, please review the Before You Arrive tab. Sky Flyer Zipline tickets are date-specific with a limited capacity per time slot, so please check our online store in advance of your visit to confirm availability.

Sky Flyer Zipline operations are subject to weather and line conditions. If the session you booked is canceled due to inclement weather, our staff will make every effort to reschedule your reservation.


Ride Requirements

  • Guest must be at least 52″ tall, and 50 lb
  • Guest must be no taller then 80″ and 260 lbs
  • Guest must have closed toe shoes

The Sky Flyer Zipline is a high-speed ride that features many sudden twists and turns, which may cause participants to be jolted throughout the ride. For your protection, this ride is not recommended for guests with head, neck, or bone injuries, recent surgery, heart trouble, high blood pressure, heart conditions, or guest who are pregnant.


Safety is the most important factor in every ZipRider® zip line ride and ZipTour® zip line system we design and build. No matter how profitable a ride is, there is no feature more important than safety. Every component of the ZipRider® and ZipTour® and overall installation are designed to the appropriate building code and design standard. Our towers are not made of wood and we do not tie to trees! Our patent pending tower design is designed to the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) 7-10 codes and our concrete footings are designed to meet or exceed the ACI 318 codes (American Concrete Institute). Our trolley and ride dynamics are designed to meet and exceed the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) F24 standards and our cable tension safety factors are equal to or surpassing the ANSI-B77 Tramway codes. Every component of the ZipRider® and ZipTour® are designed with multiple safety redundancies.

In terms of operation, the ZipRider® zip line is one of the safest ride experiences you can offer your clientele, and is one of the safest attractions you can have your staff operate. It offers a completely hands-off adventure for the customer down the terrain of your resort. Our patented “Equipment Retrieval System”, a ZipRider® exclusive, cycles one trolley and harness per cable continuously throughout the day without the need for removal (unless maintenance is required). This prevents the possibility of a customer being sent down the ZipRider while the previous customer is still on the line. It also limits the handling of equipment by the operators which increase customer through-put. Each ZipRider® is designed so that the ride ends at the low point of the cable, with no sag or belly in between the top and bottom towers, and thus prevents the possibility of a customer rolling away from the landing deck and requiring a rescue by the operators. This is safer for everyone, and ensures efficient, continuous and predictable operation. The ZipRider® is also handicap accessible. We have had numerous paraplegic and quadriplegic customers experience the time of their lives on the ZipRider®.